Saturday, September 6, 2008

And so it begins.....

It's a beautiful day today, the skies are bright blue, the crape myrtle trees are in full bloom with beautiful magenta flowers and the grass is a vibrant shade of green. The air is a bit crisp as well which tells me that fall is on its way; and this....refreshes me.

I'm beginning to settle in here. I'm finding local stores to frequent, I even found a coffee shop that isn't starbucks, it's called the Java Lounge! As I'm getting to know people I am finding out the small, unique quirks about Texas and hearing about fun places to go in nearby cities. There is antiquing in Jefferson, a rodeo in gladewater, a boardwalk in Shreveport, LA (which is the casino junction for this area), live blues music at the the local coffeeshop, sweet tea everywhere (it wouldn't surprise me if it started flowing in fountains here....mmmm sweet tea fountains!), the fitness center on Letourneau Campus where I can go to exercise, a 4 mile bike path, several state parks nearby in which I can get away for a weekend and camp, tall tall pine trees, magnolia trees, well just trees everywhere-and many more things that I'm looking forward to finding! I'll definitely be posting more about my excursions in East Texas so you'll have to visit my blog frequently to hear all about it!
This blog really is all for you! Many have asked about life in Texas and so I thought I'd have one place for people to go to hear and see the things happening down here. There is a southern charm and I do believe it's growing on me!
Ya'll come back now, ya hear?! haha!!!! (oh dear...what's happening to me????!!!!)


MayLily said...

hey girl! nice to see your new internet 'home'! hope blogger works better for you than it did for me when i gave it a shot :)

Rachel said...

Yay for blogging! Good to see you on here! Glad you are settling in. You are in my prayers.

jr said...

mmmmmmmmmmm.... like a very nice place you have down there...